Saturday, October 15, 2011

Let's Recap This-

So I'm watching Real Time (as most of us liberals do) and Penn Jillette (who I do admire) is discussing religion and his lack of belief in religion so I thought this would be a good time to recap my beliefs and the things I'm contemplating.

Do I believe in God?

Absolutely. There is too much wonder and too much beauty and even though the world is chaotic- when you look at it- the universe functions too perfectly for there to not be divine intervention. The human body is a working miracle- it can heal itself for the most part and just look at the human mind!!! We live on a planet that has everything we could ever need to sustain us and that's only one planet in the whole infinite universe!!!

Do I believe in life after death?

Yes, but I'm not sure if it's the way we all think it is. Maybe reincarnation is possible- maybe there is a singular heaven that everyone goes to or maybe it is a personal heaven. I have read a lot of stuff that supports that. I won't rule out hell, but I think that it is for people that are genuinely evil- and that is based on what is in their heart.

Is it about faith or good deeds?

I think it is about both faith and deeds- but I'm really not sure if it is about a specific faith. If mankind was able to fully and truely understand God then we wouldn't be men and it's pretty pretentious to think that we as humans could ever comprehend a superior being that is able to create the whole fucking universe. Good deeds are great- but I think it is more about having a good heart. Is someone doing a good deed to get on God's good side or because it is a nice thing to do? The Koran believes that as long as someone believes in God (not specifically the Muslim God, as I read multiple verses saying Jews, Muslims and Christians would be able to go to Heaven), and Hindu believes that there are multiple routes to God through multiple religions and it's not that any of them are wrong- they are just different. I think that God is pretty understanding in that sense.

Is Jesus God?

I'm really not sure. I read material suggesting that before the Council of Nicea, even early Christians did not believe Jesus was God, although they did believe he was an exceptional man and a messenger of God. The temptation of Christ is only plausible if Jesus was a man capable of being tempted. So I'm really not sure- that is something I need to research more.

Original Sin?

That's another debateable one.  There are conflicting Bible verses for each side saying yes- sins of the father can be passed to the son (Exodus 20:5/ Exodus 34:6-7/ 1Cor 15:22) but then there are verses saying that the son will not carry the punishment for his father's sins (Deuteronomy 24:16/ Ezekiel 18:20) even the Pope said a few years ago that if a baby were to die before baptism, the baby would not go to purgatory. When I look at my son, or any baby/small child- it is hard for me to believe that something so innocent  and beautiful could ever have sin attached to their soul. It's hard for me to swallow to be honest.

Will this be exploring religions project be over in at the end of year?

No. Granted, I have weeded some religions that I know won't work for me. Scientology is a fucking joke (they STILL call me and send me crap in the mail!), Buddhism.....needs more time from me. Hindu taught me a lot about tolerance but it isn't for me. Wicca...that's another one I would love to explore more. Islam....very beautiful to read the Koran but the inequalities for women doesn't sit well with me, and while I respect it's theory of removing a lot most temptations from one's daily life- I don't think it's right. I think it's how someone reacts in the face of temptation that says much about their character. Judaism...I am also enjoying this study, but it just doesn't feel right for me. Christianity...I just can't shed this. I grew up studying Christianity and I am still learning! I suppose I hope to find a Chrisitian church not corrupted by narcissim or hypocrisy.

Is the Bible the actual word of God?

No. Not as a whole anyway. Books of the Bible (likes Psalms, Ecclesiates, Song of Songs...) are books of poetry reflecting their author- there are conflicting passages and numbers and with so many translations and versions of it over time who knows? I like to read the Bible and apply it to my life- but I don't think it's literal in it's entirety. I have already mentioned that I think it is very possible "Let there be light" could've been a metaphor for the Big Bang and I don't think the Earth was created in 7 days (at least not what we consider a day). The Koran has actually never been modified from it's original written versions (which are actually on display) and it's considered a sin to do so. I thought that was interesting. But I believe that men are men and we aren't perfect and it's arrogant to think that man would be able to ever fully comprehend God or not allow some of our self righteousness into our interpretation of God.

So there's where I'm at right now. Still soul searching, still learning. It's all about the journey, right?